After our pleasant morning at the Halifax Harbour we settled into the car for a long afternoon and evening of driving through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The skies threatened rain from time to time, but none fell on us. The scenery was beautiful all along the route.

Rolling hills...


..and rivers were a treat for our eyes around every bend in the road.

What an amazing, beautiful and LARGE country we live in.

We spent eleven hours in the car on this day and only travelled through two provinces.
Highways and scenery look great Cuppa. You must of stopped along the way, did you. Eleven hours is such a long time, hope everyone was okay that night.......:-)Hugs
Bernie - Yes we stopped about every two hours to get out and stretch. We also stopped for lunch and coffee/gas refills. We were tired and road weary, but oh so glad to be home at the end of the last day.
Now we can sift through pictures and memories and relive the good times over and over again, and let the long slogs in the car fade into oblivion.
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