When words wouldn't gather in any sort of fashion on the page, I busied myself crocheting a new afghan to curl up in on cold winter afternoons, and when I tired of that, I ran away into a good book. And so it is that I reached the end of rainy January and now I have great hopes that February will be cold and snowy.
We actually had snow today instead of rain, so things are looking up. We have tentative plans to leave at the end of the week for our snow holiday, so I am starting to gather things and make ready for the trip. Yahoo!
AC and I splurged on an extra large Café Mocha this morning and took it to the park by the water. We sat silently in the warm car sipping our delicious chocolaty coffee while our eyes drank in the beauty of winter all around us. I turned to AC and said "this is like a vitamin pill for my soul". He nodded his head in agreement and we continued to sit there in silence, while we gulped down a big dose of this winter tonic. MMMMM good.
Here, take two "teaspoons full" and wash them down with a cup of hot chocolate and see if you don’t feel better too.

Wherever you are today – here, there or somewhere in-between – I hope you are treated to some of nature's "winter tonic" and it lifts your spirits too.
Open your eyes and drink deeply.