Before he takes over my laptop to work on a Photoshop lesson this afternoon, I thought I would post a quick note to say hello and share this picture taken on one of our walks this week.
The sun has been shining all week and there is that feeling of spring in the air. Ahhh, glorious indeed! We sauntered along on the other side of the river on Monday and got this different view of the Town Hall and Old Church spires. Yesterday we picked up a café mocha at Tim's and headed for the park on the other side of the river. Geese were frolicking in the water and chickadees bounced around in the trees overhead. Yes, a definite feeling of spring was in the air. We sipped our café mochas along with that delicious taste of spring, and enjoyed every drop. Mmmm good!
Today is a day for errands, and more snow is forecast for the rest of the week, but that little foretaste of the feast to come gives me hope and will sustain me through the up and down days of March.
Hope you are walking in the sunshine today and there is a "spring" in your step as you walk towards that most wonderful season.
Talk to you all again soon.
P.S. – AC has posted his recipe for Zucchini lasagne! I must add my two cents worth and tell you how delicious this lasagne is. Of the three he makes, this one is my favourite, but all three are super scrumptious. I wouldn't have even looked at the recipe because of all the work involved, but he said he enjoys the "zen" of doing all the steps to complete this dish.
The first time he made it I could hardly believe my eyes when I walked into the kitchen and saw what he was doing. He had paper towels all over the counters and kitchen table. Thin strips of zucchini were lined up on all of them and salt was everywhere. When he told me he had to turn each strip and salt them again before he could use them to assemble the lasagne, I just shook my head in amazement and walked away. He seemed to be enjoying himself though and has made this lasagne many times, and each time received rave reviews. Yum, yum, yum!