Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Still Struggling

AC's laptop sits on a nice cooling tray and has had a memory upgrade, but neither of these things fixed the problem. Sigh! So, onward and forward we go, limping along with his sick laptop. I guess the next step is an extended visit to the repair shop. Groan!

Before he takes over my laptop to work on a Photoshop lesson this afternoon, I thought I would post a quick note to say hello and share this picture taken on one of our walks this week.

Town Steeples

The sun has been shining all week and there is that feeling of spring in the air. Ahhh, glorious indeed! We sauntered along on the other side of the river on Monday and got this different view of the Town Hall and Old Church spires. Yesterday we picked up a café mocha at Tim's and headed for the park on the other side of the river. Geese were frolicking in the water and chickadees bounced around in the trees overhead. Yes, a definite feeling of spring was in the air. We sipped our café mochas along with that delicious taste of spring, and enjoyed every drop. Mmmm good!

Today is a day for errands, and more snow is forecast for the rest of the week, but that little foretaste of the feast to come gives me hope and will sustain me through the up and down days of March.

Hope you are walking in the sunshine today and there is a "spring" in your step as you walk towards that most wonderful season.

Talk to you all again soon.

P.S. – AC has posted his recipe for Zucchini lasagne! I must add my two cents worth and tell you how delicious this lasagne is. Of the three he makes, this one is my favourite, but all three are super scrumptious. I wouldn't have even looked at the recipe because of all the work involved, but he said he enjoys the "zen" of doing all the steps to complete this dish.

The first time he made it I could hardly believe my eyes when I walked into the kitchen and saw what he was doing. He had paper towels all over the counters and kitchen table. Thin strips of zucchini were lined up on all of them and salt was everywhere. When he told me he had to turn each strip and salt them again before he could use them to assemble the lasagne, I just shook my head in amazement and walked away. He seemed to be enjoying himself though and has made this lasagne many times, and each time received rave reviews. Yum, yum, yum!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A few more shower pictures

Just a few more shower pictures to share with aunties and friends out of town who couldn't make it to the shower.

Do you think Butterfly got enough diaper wipes? We didn't even have these things when my kids were munchkins. However did I manage?

I had lots of fun helping Butterfly arrange all these cute things for this picture.

The Teddy Bear quilt hanging from the front of the table is all hand quilted in tiny, tiny, tiny stitches by a dear friend of mine. The quilt is backed in plain yellow and the pattern is clear and detailed there too. What a treasure! Right now it is on the crib, but Butterfly might hang in on the wall. Decisions, decisions.

Just one more shot of the outfits we couldn't fit in the other pic.

OK, that's it!

Monday, February 19, 2007


AC managed to post these pics for me last night, and now he is busy exercising so I have a few minutes on this laptop to add a word or two. Both of us trying to get time on this one computer is tricky to say the least. Slowly but surely AC is getting his files transferred over to my laptop and stored on the external hard drive, but it is very tedious and frustrating when his machine keeps crashing. It is going to the "hospital" tomorrow. Sure hope it won't be in for a long stay!

Anyway, on to important business. Butterfly's friends had a Baby Shower for her on the weekend and it was a heartwarming event. Old high school chums drove across province to share in the joy of this pregnancy with her, and friends and co-workers from the city gave up a Saturday afternoon to be there too. My wonderful circle of friends who had a Grandma Shower for me, also sent gifts to the Baby Shower. Last week, every time I went to the mail box it seemed like there was a gift there from an Auntie or out-of-town friend who couldn't make it to the shower but wanted to send a gift. Yes heartwarming indeed.

Butterfly has posted pics here on her blog and I have more ready to post tomorrow if AC can access them on his laptop tonight.

Delicious Shower Cake made by a friend.

Some of the gifts before the unwrapping

High school chums having a good visit

Oh so "Pretty in Pink"

Toys for the new tot

And we can't forget the Beautiful Hat picture.

That's it for now. Talk to you again tomorrow. I hope.

Looking Back

It is a sunshiny Monday outside, but there is a dark cloud inside. AC's laptop is sick! Oh dear. Not nice at all. He is trying to back up files on mine so he can take his in for repair but his keeps crashing and crashing and crashing. I don't know how he has managed to keep from throwing it out the window!!!!!

Anyway, because AC is working a lot on my computer I don't have much time or opportunity to write or post anything new, but did want to check in and let you know I am still here.

Mary posted a blog about Chickadees here and that made me think of our wonderful time with the feathery wonders at Riverwood one Christmas. I thought I would post a couple of links back to those blogs for those of you new readers who might have missed them, and for the rest of us who might enjoy another look back. That was a magical visit to Riverwood for us.

Both of our blogs have lots of posts with pictures of our winter adventure during that trip, but I will only link you to this one and this one for now. You can check out a few more blogs during that month for more pics if your heart desires. AC has posted some great ones. Enjoy!

I'll talk to you all later and post some pictures of the baby shower when we get these computers up and running smoothly again.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Everything old is new again

A busy but fun week just zipped by and February is disappearing in a flash! Oh joy! It has not been the snowiest February we have ever had, and we haven't been able to spend any of it at Riverwood, so I am glad to see it move quickly into the history books this year.

I took a walk down memory lane yesterday as I helped Butterfly decorate the entrance to her future path, and it was heart-warming indeed. I could feel my mom and dad in the room with us, and hear their laughter echo down through the halls of time as they helped me prepare for the arrival of Butterfly, as I was now helping her prepare for the arrival of Smudge!

You see, yesterday was the day to decorate the nursery and I was invited over to help. What fun! We hung curtains, pictures and hooks; sorted through diapers, creams, outfits and blankets; made up the crib and decorated the cupboard doors. We sipped café mocha as we chatted, worked, laughed and reminisced together. The day was overflowing with memories of days gone by and hopes and dreams of days to come.

The furniture in this nursery was my baby furniture. Yep, it is over sixty years old and still looks good. Thirty five years ago my dad refinished it for me to use for Butterfly and Bug, and now The Boy refinished it to use for Smudge. The crib didn't pass safety standards for today, so the wood in it will be used to make a bench or toy box, but the dressers are still wonderful old solid pieces of furniture, full of character and memories.

Let me share a few pictures of the fun we had yesterday.

I think AC is posting this pic on his blog too, but I thought I would post it also because it gives you a good shot of one of the dressers. I think AC altered his pic though. Can you see the difference?

The Boy is called on to hang the pictures once we decided where we wanted them.

Nursery 1

Oh the joy to feel that little one give Grandma's hand a kick
Nursery 2

Butterfly chose an outdoor theme for the nursery. Cute huh? It feels so fresh and bright and happy there.
Nursery 3

Grandma and Grandpa still standing after a busy day of work.
Nursery 4

Butterfly sure looks pleased with the way the whole room is coming together.
Nursery 5

Monday, February 05, 2007

Most Memorable Blog

Swampwitch over at Anecdotes, Antidotes, and Anodes has posted a list of bloggers participating in this week's Fun Monday activity - Most Memorable Post. Be sure to check the others out too.

Sharks, Loss and Snowflakes came to mind instantly when I saw the assignment for this week.

Start here with my blog Feeling the Sunshine Again to give you some background about what I was going through when I read Mel's blog, Sharks, Loss and Snowflakes and you can link to Mel from there.

Most Heartbreaking Post- We're Having a Baby It doesn't need any explanation, speaks for itself. Grab your kleenex.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Desk Decoration

And so we come to the end of another busy week. Not much time to write, but I just had to take a minute to post a picture of how Rocky is helping AC break in the new desk. It's a tough job, but Rocky is doing his utmost to help.