Let me share one of Mary's poems with you.
When I am among the trees
When I am among the trees
especially the willows and the honey locust,
equally the beech, the oaks and the pines,
they give off such hints of gladness.
I would almost say that they save me, and daily.
I am so distant from the hope of myself,
in which I have goodness, and discernment,
and never hurry through the world
but walk slowly, and bow often.
Around me the trees stir in their leaves
and call out, "Stay awhile,"
The light flows from their branches.
And they call again, "It's simple," they say,
"and you too have come
into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled
with light, and to shine.
Oh goodness I can't stop at just one, let me share another with you -
Mozart for Example
All the quick notes
Mozart didn't have time to use
before he entered the cloud-boat
are falling now from the beaks
of the finches
that have gathered from the joyous summer
into the hard winter
and, like Mozart, they speak of nothing
but light and delight,
though it is true, the heavy blades of the world
are still pounding underneath.
And this is what you can do too, maybe,
if you live simply and with a lyrical heart
in the cumbered neighbourhoods or even,
as Mozart sometimes managed to, in a palace,
offering tune after tune after tune,
making some hard-hearted prince
prudent and kind, just by being happy.
Ok, I'll stop there.
The cobwebs cleared a bit today and I made much better progress with my "to do" list, but at noon I put it aside and went out for a walk among the trees to find some light that I might shine; all the while listening for a few notes of the finches' song.
After our walk AC and I sorted through some pictures of our Second Christmas to post on our blogs. Let me share a few of those with you now. AC has also posted some on his blog be sure to stop by and have a look here.
Butterfly prepared a Christmas Eve Buffet to munch on while we played Trivial Pursuit, after which we watched Dickens' A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim. Here I am helping prepare the buffet by icing the cream cheese with Apple Rum Chutney. Yum!
We arrived back at Butterfly and the Boy's house about 10am on Christmas morning to nibble on toasted crumpets slathered in butter, and sip coffee while we opened the gifts Santa put in our Stockings during the night. Yes, he still visits our house and leaves goodies for us. What fun. Hmmmm, I wonder what Santa is trying to tell me with this gift?
Butterfly and I spent lots of time in the kitchen on the weekend and had fun working there together. Work is always more fun when you take time for a hug
and a kiss. Yes, The Boy and AC helped out in the kitchen too.
Ahhh, the relaxin' side of Christmas. I love it. How neat to enjoy a hot cuppa whilst watching A Christmas Carol.
Butterfly is in gales of laughter while The Boy tries to talk to Smudge.
And finally a Merry Christmas picture of Mr and Mrs. C.