Yesterday dawned sunny and bright, but AC and I dragged ourselves out of bed feeling rather cloudy and dull. Sigh! Coughing, stuffy heads and sore throats caused another sleepless night for both of us. The cold medication we took just before bed didn't help us either. It said
non drowsy on the box, but it should have said,
Caution - this medication will wake you up and won't let you sleep. We were both exhausted, but wired and couldn't sleep. Groan.
Thesha's maternity leave is quickly coming to an end, and AC wanted to take her out for breakfast before she went back to work. They used to have daddy/daughter breakfast dates when she was little, and they like to continue the tradition on from time to time. Wouldn't you know that yesterday was the day they picked for this? I was supposed to babysit while dad and the girl went out for a treat. AC decided he wanted Smudge to join them, and not wanting to leave this poor sick grandma out, they invited me to come along too. Nice huh? No sense staying home and complaining about our colds and sleepless nights, we might as well go out and enjoy the day, so that is exactly what we did. There was no fear of passing the cold bug to Thesha and Smudge, because they had it first. So we spruced ourselves up as best we could, and set off for the local pancake house for hot pancakes and fresh maple syrup. Yum!
This was the Smudge's first ride in her new car seat in Grandma and Grandpa's car. I think she liked it.

Soon we were at the pancake house and ready for breakfast. On the weekends at this time of year this place is packed, but as you can see, weekdays are fairly quiet. No problem getting the table of our choice this morning.

After breakfast it was time for The Smudge to explore the toy corner.

Wouldn't you know, she made a bee-line for the only place that wasn't safe...

...and because of the slanting ceiling, Grandpa had to climb in on his hands and knees to rescue her.

Then it was mom's turn to be on guard.

After filling up on fluffy pancakes, crisp waffles, fresh fruit, local maple syrup and gallons of coffee, it was time to head for home. Thesha wanted to take advantage of the sunshine and do some gardening. So, we helped her get The Smudge all set up in her playpen and then AC and I headed home for a nap. Our sleepless night was catching up with us.

I think Smudge really helped mommy accomplish a lot.

Looks like she is having fun anyway.

It was fun to attack the cold bug with a pancake. We gave him a heck of a wallop anyway and it made us feel better. You use whatever you can right?