Last week we had a battle on our hands with these miserable, rotten, blankety-blank cold germs, but The Smudge brought us sunshine every day and warmed these battle weary hearts of ours.
Smudge is fighting the cold germs too, but manages to keep her sunny disposition for most of the day. I must admit that there are times when "Whiney-Winnie" shows up, but a snuggle or two, or a walk around the block usually helps send "Whiney-Winnie" on her way.
The hair-do was giving Smudge fits on this day, but with a little help from Grandma we soon had the curls all going the right way. What a relief. After all, a girl has to look good before she goes on her morning walk.

Smudge is a big helper in the kitchen too. She seems to think that the towels look much better on the floor. We played quite a few rounds of
hang 'em up- pull 'em down that day.

Once her kitchen chores were done, and her hair was fixed to her liking it was time for her morning walk with Grandpa.

After lunch we went on our first road trip and she was as good as gold during the half hour long buckle-down in her car seat. Once we got to our destination she didn't want anything to do with her stroller though. She wanted to walk so she and Grandpa went for a stroll while Grandma went to check out some one-of-a-kind jewelery she discovered on a Studio Tour last fall.

Smudge loved exploring the front lawn at the studio, and thought this fence was pretty neat. How wonderful that these people made it just the perfect size for little girls to lean on.

Grandma was finally done checking out the jewelry and took a few minutes to give Smudge a closer look at the wire sculpture on the front lawn of the studio before heading back home.

The first road trip was a success. Grandma and Grandpa had Tim's coffee and Smudge had apple juice and a Timbit. Yum! A good time was had by all and I am sure we will have many more road trips this spring and summer.
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