The ferry crossing to Digby was smooth and uneventful and we rejoiced in the beautiful blue skies and sunshine that followed us all the way from New Brunswick to Nova Scotia.

The road from Digby to Yarmouth followed the shoreline for quite a way...

and I enjoyed the vistas Mother Nature prepared for me...

around every bend in the road.


Ah Nova Scotia, what a beautiful province.

Around dinner time, our friend's home was a most welcome sight.

After hugs and hellos, we toured their gardens, which were beautiful, but I was so busy gabbing I didn't take many pictures. I guess I was just too excited to see my old friend to reach for my camera. The two gardeners enjoyed discussing each plant, and we brought many an idea home for our own garden.
The two plants below are just a small sample of the amazing flowers at my friend's house. There wasn't a bug eaten leaf anywhere to be seen and every plant was blooming to the max! We were so impressed with the hydrangea bush (the plant on the right in the picture below) that we went out and bought one for our garden here at home. I think AC will be posting a blog about the planting process in the near future.
The whole garden was put in new in April and May after our friends moved into the house, yet it looks like it has been there for years. Plants are thriving and growing beyond belief.
This was the most amazing daisy. When the flowers first open they are yellow, then turn a pure bright white. We are on the hunt for one for our garden too.
After our garden tour we went on a walking tour along the streets of Yarmouth which were lined with the most beautiful homes...

and interesting sights.

We soon arrived at the harbour...

and enjoyed catching up on old times while we soaked in all the sights and sounds around us.

What fun to be together again.

Our friendship helped both of us survive many a stormy sea we were tossed into over the years. We have laughed together, cried together and just held on to each other through the numerous trials of motherhood, health problems and other heartaches encountered on the sea of life.

Our friendship
boat helped keep us afloat, and now it's smooth sailing as we enter our sunset years. The friendship just gets richer and richer as the years pass, and I treasure it.

What a gift to be able to spend time with this dear dear friend. Yes, a priceless gift!
Beautiful photos cuppa. I also know how you feel about your friend and the friendship you have. I am blessed to have the same, we met in grade school and have been friends ever since. A real blessing......I love the big old and new homes in Yarmouth.
Bernie - yes the new friends are great, but the old friends are PURE GOLD! Priceless indeed!
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