Projects continue to sit and collect dust, and I did take a coffee to the park and enjoyed it while I watched geese play in the sunshine. Smudge is here for a sleepover tonight, and AC and I plan on taking her to the park tomorrow if the rain stays away.
On a sunny day this past weekend Thesha and I took the kids on a shopping trip. Jboy and Smudge look less than enthused to be on this shopping trip with Mommy and Amma, but Mommy was ready for some fun.

It was a bit of a challenge to take the two little ones on this excursion, but we managed to get all our errands done without too much hassle and both kids fell asleep on the way home. Actually, I was ready for a nap when I got home too.
What a lovely family, those grandchildren are just so cute, have a great day....:-) Hugs
The cute little girl looks just like mommy. :)
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