The girls had school all day today, including night classes so we were on our own all day. We thought about dusting off their bikes and riding around the seawall, but walking it would let us soak in the beauty at a slower pace. Besides, it was a VERY windy day, so we opted to walk instead of bike. We had walked the lower 1/4 of the seawall up to Third Beach many times, but AC really wanted to walk every inch of it, so we did. We studied the maps, planned our route, bought grub for a picnic lunch, filled up the water bottle, packed our backpacks and were off.
AC provided me with this handy-dandy map, so it will help you follow along on our route if you are at all interested. We took a white path shown on the map, over to Coal Harbour, and picked up the yellow path there and walked counterclockwise back to English Bay. What a hike! With a little detour along an inner path from Third Beach back up to Prospect Point, and back down to Third Beach to walk the rest of the seawall home, was walked 20K or more!
We met a gentleman at English Bay who saw us studying our maps at the start of the walk and informed us of a route over to the other side of of the park so we could walk the seawall in a counterclockwise direction instead of the clockwise one we had always taken. We thought it would be fun to walk it that way, so set off on his route. AC is posting a blog about our trek around the seawall too. Be sure to check out his blog if you haven't already done so.

We started our walk at
Lost Lagoon pictured below.

Another kind gentleman saw us taking pics and offered to take one of us both standing in this most beautiful spot. People were kind and helpful wherever we went.

Walking the wall at Coal Harbour gave us a different view of Vancouver. We could look across the water and see city instead of mountains.

Soon we were in Burrard Inlet and could see Lion's Gate Bridge with North Vancouver in the background.

Benches are placed all along the walk, and we rested on many of them. They are all dedicated to someone, and it is interesting to read the quotes and thoughts on each one.

This particular bench had two vases for flowers, and even though this bench was placed in memory of someone who had died in 1992, someone still takes the time to place fresh flowers in each of the vases. We stopped and enjoyed the view and the loving memories swirling around that spot. You can see two paths in this pic. One is for bikers and skaters and other for pedestrians. A very good idea.

Now we are at Siwash Rock, approaching Third Beach from the North. As you can see, we are walking right along the water's edge.

We had water on one side and rocks and trees on the other. Breathtaking indeed.

At Third Beach we took an inner trail back up to Prospect Point. You can't get there from the seawall at any other point. The rock cliffs are too high. It was about a half hour walk,and we were going at a steady climb all the way. Puff, pant, gasp!.

We were treated to scenes like this along the way though.

Benches were also placed at viewpoints for us. Thank goodness. I needed to stop and rest often.

The trees leave me speechless. They are enormous, absolutely enornous. Look at the size of a Maple Leaf fallen from one of them.

Ah, here we are at Prospect Point. High above the seawall, and enjoying a fabulous view of mountains, ocean and city.

We rested on this bench at the viewpoint and enjoyed our picnic supper. This is where the raccoons swarmed us and almost had us in a knock-down, drag-out fight for our leftovers. AC has written about it

About an hour before sunset we set off for the last leg of the journey back down the inner path to
Third Beach and along the seawall to English Bay. By the time we reached the Inukshuk by the girl's apt building I was ready to put my feet up and rest.

We sat there and watched the sun setting, then made tracks for home.

What a fantabulously wonderful day.
What a wonderful day you and A/C had, and I loved your photos. I think I have enjoyed your trip to Vancouver almost as much as both of you.......:-) Hugs
Beautiful photos Cuppa! And that Maple leaf, wow! hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love Di
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