Smudge came to our house for a sleepover the other night, and we always try to fill her time here with fun things. Our first stop on the way home was CT to buy a little snow shovel and a plastic sled for her. After dinner we bundled up and went outside to get to work. Smudge had a grand time.

She didn't guite get the concept of putting the snow on the pile though. She kept taking snow off the pile and...

putting in on Buppa's shovel.

She was a very diligent worker though and did a fine job. What a helper she was.

Before heading in for the night it was time for a little ride on her new sled.

It was VERY cold that night, so the ride was short, and Smudge was bundled up to the point that only her eyes were showing.
Oh cuppa just seeing these adorable pictures of smudge has made me feel better.....:-) hugs
Bernie - AC just told me that you haven't been feeling your best these days. So sorry! Glad these pics brought a little bit of sunshine into your day. Hope you're feeling all better real soon.
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