After the kids got back from their cruise, and our babysitting gig ended, this is what I have been up to...preparing for a sale of some of my beaded creations at Shauna's workplace.
They say that presentation is 90% of the battle, so I have been spending many hours preparing displays for my rings, earrings, pendants, sun-catchers and bookmarks. It finally all came together on Thursday, and sales were fabulous. Yahoo!
I finally got the tables all set up, and now it's time for a sip or two of coffee before customers start arriving. |
Adjusting the sign on the sun-catcher display. They were a big hit because the gift of rainbows is a winner at any time of the year. | | |
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I had a lot of sale items, and they went fast. |
The fun and fabulous rings take a certain type of personality to wear them so they don't move too fast, but the people who love them. |
Close-up pic of some of the PRIDE rings on the left, and Christmas rings on the right. Yes, the PRIDE rainbows go up and over the knuckles. Total fun to wear. |
So that's it. The sale was a huge success, and now it is time to bake some cookies, do some Christmas shopping and maybe even chase a dust bunny or two from the corners of my house.
As an owner of a rainbow ring, I know how it makes me the subject of envy every time I wear it, which is often.
Your set-up is fabulous, managing to look elegant, sparkly and refined all at the same time. I am so glad it went well, but can't imagine how it could have been otherwise.
Waves from the distant past.
MTIA- waves coming right back atcha! How nice to hear from you. Hope you and Chelsea are doing well. Hugs to both of you.
You and your jewelry looked great, he said proudly.
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