The A-Team heads to the airport this morning for their flight home. Sigh! Visits are always far too short but we did make the most of the time we had and enjoyed a fun fun weekend. I have lots of pics to post, but most are still on the camera. I do have these from Friday night ready to go though, so enjoy.
Auntie Puff seems to have caught Jboy's attention.

Auntie Althegal made Jboy this quilt. Wow! You did a great job Auntie A!

Of course if Auntie Althegal makes something you are sure to have a signature bat or two in there.

Smudge is sharing a quiet minute or two with Amma until she gets used to the whirlwind of activity that always breezes into the house when the Aunties visit.

Oh my, the Aunties brought Smudge a Tonka Garbage truck and she thought that was pretty grand.

Amma gave Smudge some help to open the box, and Jboy came to and check out what was going on. He quite liked the truck too, and gave sister a hand exploring all the moving parts.

If you remember
this post you will know why they choose a garbage truck for Smudge. She is still fascinated by them and Mommy even buys the garbage men a little Christmas present to say thank-you for making an extra-long stop in front of their house to put the truck through it paces for Smudge.
Well, must run now and get ready to head to the airport. Stay tuned for lots more pics.
Can't wait for more photos.
So nice that the A team was able to be home for a visit to share the Christmas Spirit....:-) Hugs
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