We had many a rainy day during this visit to the farm, so lots of time was spent indoors waiting for the clouds to pass. It was a trial at times, but wonder of wonders, we managed to keep ourselves and the three little munchkins entertained during these rainy spells.
Trying on sunhats and climbing on furniture was a favorite past-time for our two. Doesn't Jboy look cute in Auntie Heather's had?

Lots of time was spent rumbling and tumbling on the old couch in the sun porch with cousin Jinu.

There was also time for quiet conversation on the porch. Here we see Uncle Ben and Jboy having a serious talk.

Uncle/Grandpa Brian read stories to Jboy while Jinu and Smudge choose their favorite book and waited their turn with Uncle/Grandpa.

We did resort to videos from time to time and here we see Smudge and Jboy on the most uncomfortable chair in the room watching The Big Comfy Couch.

They could have moved to a big comfy couch to watch it, but they seemed happy enough watching it from this chair.

Then it was time to run and climb and play again.

Sister and Brother enjoyed a quiet moment with Jinu.

Then Auntie/Grandma Heather brought out a big bag of funny glasses and things got silly. I wish we had thought to take a whole family portrait, but this was the only semi-group shot we took

Smudge thought Buppa should get into the act and become a butterfly...

and Jboy should be a little frog
Time for a game of ring-around-a-rosie before checking to see if the rain had stopped and we could all go outside to play for a while.

Yes, I think the sun is trying to make an appearance. Will check in with some outdoor activities tomorrow.
1 comment:
This just proves that "one can be happy wherever one is" who needs the sun with such sunshine all around you.....:-) Hugs
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