The rain did let up from time to time, and we tried to make the most of it. Auntie Aly takes Jboy for a walk down to the tent to say hello to Auntie Ally.

Smudge loved going for a wheelbarrow ride with Buppa.

Walking in the sunshine with all the Aunties was also a fun thing to do....

but lots of stops were made along the way to inspect stones, grass, bugs,leaves, twigs and whatever else happened to be on the path.

When the sun refused to shine we walked in the rain. That was fun too.

Elu the dog got lots of attention on each and every walk.

The kids had fun wagon rides and raucous walks...

but also quiet walks with Amma.

I liked those best.

Uncle/Grandpa Brian took the kids for a ride on the lawnmower

then it was time for a quiet visit with Auntie Mary.

Coats were needed most days, but on the last day of our holiday the sun stayed around all day and it was nice enough to go to the beach. Those pics coming tomorrow. Stay tuned.
I think you all had a good time in spite of the rain cuppa.....:-) Hugs
Bernie - You are such a dear to keep stopping by and staying long enough to make a comment. I always look forward to hearing from you.
I know that most of the family looks at the pics each day, but they don't stop long enough to say a word. Sigh! Busy, busy, busy!
We did have a good time in spite of the rain, but we were sure glad to see some sunshine so we could get out of the "far too small for eleven adults, three under three kidlets and one dog" farmhouse.
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