Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Busy days at the end of August

Some more pictures of our last week of babysitting this summer.  The days always started at a running pace, and I had to keep my feet moving to stay one step ahead of the munchkins.
Even before breakfast, Danica was busy with crayons and paper.  I think she was drawing a picture to enter in a contest she saw in one of her kid's magazines.
Many, many, many games of Rummikube were played at the kitchen table.
It was a hot week, but lots of times was spent out in the back yard....mostly climbing on one thing or the other.
There was lots of climbing on Buppa too.  Why is it kids have to sit on you instead of beside you? 
Some time each day was spent on school work to get ready for Grade One.  As you can see, Danica thought it was funny to wear pants on her head this day.   What a crazy kid.


Jinksy said...

Everybody should have a hat like that! lol

Regenia said...

But, oh how she seems to enjoy life!