On one of the warm sunny days sent our way last week, we gave Smudge some time in her pool. Usually we just let her play in a container of water up on the deck, but decided to give this venue a try. The problem is, there is no shade on the grass, and the UV index was high, so we had to make our own shade.
I dug up this old umbrella and stand I used to rig up beside my lawn chair at Althegal's baseball games to give me shade whilst watching her play. It worked fine beside Smudge's little pool these many years later, and as an extra blessing, when I opened up the umbrella, all sorts of memories of happy times at the baseball diamond tumbled out and warmed my heart. Sweet!

Smudge had fun in the pool, but only stayed in it for about two minutes and then wanted out to roam around on the grass. Seeing as the yard isn't fenced in, Grandpa and I were lead on a merry chase trying to contain her, so we soon retreated to the gated deck and her little tub of water up there. Smudge was happy, and Grandpa and I were much happier! Goodness Smudge's little legs can take her great distances in no time at all, and we have a hard time keeping up. Speaking of which, I can hear her giving Grandpa a run for his money upstairs right now so I had better go lend a hand.
Talk to you again soon.
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