In a little town north of us we passed this one old house that had this most magical entrance way. I just had to stop and take a picture of it. Pretty huh? Now take a deep breath in, and imagine the fragrance. Out of this world! Wouldn't you love to drive along this lane on your way home every night? This is aroma therapy as only Mother Nature can do it.

So ends another week of babysitting. Smudge is cutting teeth, and also had two needles at the doctor's office this week, but she seems to be taking everything in her stride and is keeping her cheery disposition. What a kid!
We had lots of rain this week, but the weekend promises to be full of sunshine and blue skies. Yahoo! We hope to get our garden planted and then sit back and enjoy the colour all summer. I hope you have a weekend full of sunshine too, and are able to walk in it every chance you get.
Smudge lesson this week - Don't let the little things bug you. Keep your cheery disposition no matter what pains come your way and brighten the world around you with your smile.
Talk to you again on Monday.
Smudge knows a good thing or two~ Timbits are the best :)
Chrisb - I agree. We do love our Tim's coffee and a smackeral of Timbit. Yum!
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