When I finally do roll out of bed and putter out into the hall, this is the sight that greets me most mornings; AC sitting in a warm pool of light in front of his computer.

We were snowed in yesterday, so we didn't even see Smudge for a hug. After our street is plowed out, that is first thing on the agenda for today.
How nice to take your time waking up in the morning and just doing whatever you want to do :)
My parents are gearing up for babysitting duty again - starting on Monday. I think they're a little nervous this time around though with the two girls instead of just one ha ha
Hello, Cuppa - Jinksy calling! Just read a bit on your other blog, and I loved the way you wrote about home and its smells - the nose is a great memory trigger. And Smusge is moorish...
Ooops - know you know it's me, more rubbish typing...
Jules - Yes I do love our quiet mornings now. The gift of free time is priceless indeed.
Makes me nervous to think about the possibility of babysitting two next year. I was going full out just watching one. It was a lot easier to watch a toddler when I was 30. Being in my 60's makes it a whole lot harder! Yikes!
Jinksy - Thanks for stopping by. Come again soon.
Nice morning light. There's nothing quite like it.
What a cool perspective, seeing your husband sitting there so absorbed. Here's a true bit of voyeurism going on.
Woman - Glad you stopped by. I quite often visit your place now for a peek in your window. Thanks for leaving the curtain open a crack for me.
I treasure scenes like this one and make it a point to stop and look, really look at it. That way I can lock it away in my heart to warm any cold days I might face in the future.
Those cold days will come to all of us, so I bask in the warmth that is now.
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