Zeus is patiently waiting for us at the beginning of the path. The dogs love these morning walks, and travel about ten miles to our one! They dash off into the forest, but soon come back to see where we are, make sure that we all keep to the same path, then they dash off again.

We soon joined Zeus for a leaf crunching, spirit lifting, soul refreshing walk.

Treebeard and AC were busy with cameras while Turtlestack and I sauntered and chatted.

We are certainly studying something intently here aren't we? I think it might have been some animal tracks. Treebeard is a great guide on these forest walks, and always has lots of forest lore to share with us.

We switched from the Logging Road to the Riverside Ramble path and feasted our eyes on scenes like these all along the path.

At one point along the trail Turtlestack and I found a comfy seat to sit and rest awhile on. I think we were discussing how this would be a perfect spot for a Tim's kiosk. Treebeard said he would get right on that! Zeus joined us for the conflab, and a good time was had by all.

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