On one of our day trips this past weekend we set off to investigate some smaller locks along the Rideau Canal waterway. Our first stop on this day was
Chaffey Lock Pretty area huh?

Lots of boats were coming and going along the canal on this beautiful fall day. The boat with the green roof was exiting the lock going away from Opinicon lake and the white boat in the distance was approaching the lock to enter said lake.

In the picture below we see the gates locked and Lake Opinicon in the distance. The white boat will enter the lock, and...

once the water has been lowered to the same level as the lake the gates are opened manually by two lockmasters (one of which you can see in the white hat on the right hand side of the picture below). He spins a metal wheel and it pulls a chain attached to the gates and they open and shut as smooth as silk using these chains and pulleys. Amazing how simply it works.

I am not sure if we are opening or closing the gates here, but this very pleasant lockmaster allowed me to help even though he usually does it all by himself.

The white boat is entering the lock in the picture below...

and will soon be heading out towards this lake.

After the boats had cleared the lock the lockmaster directed us towards this little path that would lead us down to the lake.

We ventured out onto this little point of land, took some pictures and then turned to go back to the car.

AC was taking pictures all along the way and he happened to capture...

this beautiful creature fishing for his lunch. Yes a heron was doing his best to blend into the scenery, but we spotted him when he moved ever so slowly on the far bank of the canal leading out to the lake.

Time to climb back up to the area where the car was and continue on our way.

These pictures might give you some idea of the difference in the elevation of the land between the two bodies of water connected by the Chaffey lock.

Next it is on to Davis Lock and Jones Falls. See you tomorrow.
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