I posted the video yesterday of Jboy's Snowsuit shuffle, but thought I would add these pics for your enjoyment today. We strapped Jboy into the back seat of the double stroller and got the front seat ready for Smudge to use when her little legs got tired, (which didn't happen),then we set off for our walk. At first Smudge thought Buppa needed help pushing the stroller...

and she did a fine job too.

Pretty soon though, other things demanded her attention and Buppa and Jboy got way ahead of us on our walk while she went exploring. She had to climb every snow-hill, examine every stone and stick along the way, splash in every puddle of melting snow and ponder all the oozing mud bordering the sidewalk. She found this treasure, and insisted on bringing this huge broken branch home with her...

dragging it for blocks and blocks.

Holding it tightly in one little hand while she poked every inch of snow along the path with the other.

Buppa and Jboy made it home long before we did and ditched the stroller. They then set off on a walk and came to meet us. I was amazed that Jboy could walk in his outfit. He was all bundled up to keep him warm in the stroller, but once his feet hit the ground, he was off - swish, swish, swish - no problem at all!

Right about now we headed for the side yard and Buppa took a video or two.

What fun on a sunny March afternoon.
No better way to spend a sunny March day......the kids are so cute...Hugs
A great idea for enjoying a beautiful day!
Bernie - I agree.
Doris - Oh those first few springlike days after a long cold winter are beautiful beyond words.
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