SIL had a birthday on the weekend and we were invited to join in the festivities. What fun! We chowed down on Chinese food and then dug into this cake. The most delicious chocolate cheesecake I have ever tasted. Don't let the candles fool you. Seems like we all forgot to buy more candles so we had to improvise and use these left over from Grandma or Grandpa's BD. SIL didn't mind.

After cake it was time for games with Smudge on the couch...

...and then open some presents. Smudge thought it was great that Daddy got some new sand toys to play with in the sandbox with her. Presents are best when shared with someone you love aren't they? Daddy and Daughter both thought so.
He looks great for 60 ;)
Don't you just love this age where Smudge gets so excited when she sees presents? Wait until Christmas - it will be so magical! (not that I'm wasting our summer away by ANY means)
Birthdays are great and I love the way the little one has edged her way in to 'help'. Great pics! :o)
R&N's Mommy - He do age well doesn't he? She loves paper more than anything right now.
Daffy - Kids and wrapping paper - what a combination.
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