I even got out for my last art class and Grandpa worked solo in the afternoon. He and Smudge read stories, danced to the Dixie Chicks and walked and walked and walked. She doesn't tire of that activity at all and likes to hold both hands on her treks. It won't be long before she takes off on her own though. She is standing by herself now, but hasn't worked up the courage to take a step. We want her to take her first steps with Mommy and Daddy, so we won't push it when we are here with her. We keep the camera at the ready though, because you just never know when she is going to take off.
AC and I are still doing battle with these dab-blasted cold germs but we should win that war soon. Right?
Grandpa and Smudge just got back from their morning walk, so it is time to put the Wee One down for her nap. Talk to you later
Sounds like you are falling into a lovely rhythm with the little one!
MM- yes we are and it is delightful.
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