JJ turned two this past weekend, and we gathered to celebrate the event in grand style. From the picture below and what everyone is wearing you might imagine that the day was "blue", but actually it was quite rosy and a good time was had by all! Just after we arrived it was time to open the presents.

Big Sister was a great help...

and JJ was pleased to have Mommy and Daddy lend a hand too.

Once the wrapping was off the gifts it was time to get at them and play!
"Hmm, how do I get at the ball to go with this bat?"
"Can't seem to get into this box either."
Time for Biggest Sister, Molly, to come to the rescue and help JJ open the music set.
Thanks Molly...
Sister and I will have fun with this music set, but this cardboard looks pretty interesting too.
Yep, boxes are great fun. 
I am not sure what happened here, but Sister was having a melt down about something, so Mommy came to the rescue with a hug and a kiss...

and Amma was called on to read a quiet story to help Sister calm down a bit.

After a little break Sister was feeling better and ready to play quietly with the birthday Boy.

Ah, the smiles came back when it was time for the Birthday cake. What fun to sing, and then blow out the candles. The eating of the cake was secondary to that fun. While Mommy was lighting the candles JJ got to lick the icing off the cake decoration.

Sister looks on quietly.

JJ gets his dish of cake and ice cream with a spoon, but he prefers to use his finger. Tastes better that way I think.
How's your cake Sister?
MMMM good, thanks for asking Brother.
Oh, good. Now let me get back to mine!
Nothing cuter than kids and cake combined.
Can't believe he is two already, I am watching him grow up and I love it. Happy Birthday JJ......:-)Hugs
Lorna - so true
Bernie - I know. Two years already just doesn't seem possible.
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