We arrived bright and early one day last week to see Smudge off to her first day of JK. We asked her to pose by the window for a photo, and she did. As you can see, she is quite creative when asked to pose for a picture. What a ham! For some reason, she seemed very subdued, and wouldn't smile for any of these pre-school pics.

Next it was time for a hug from Mommy...

then one with JJ in the picture.

We tried for another picture with Mommy, hoping for a smile this time, but no luck.

Next it was time for a cuddle with Amma. Again no smile, but it looked like one was on its way.

Mommy and JJ joined us on the couch for a group shot.....

and then we got Buppa in on the act too. JJ was sure having fun.

Time to pick up the back-pack and head out the front door...

get safely strapped into the car seat...

and head off to school. Smudge waved bye to Amma and JJ through the car window while Mommy and Buppa drove her to school.

Once at school, she got some last minute instructions from Mommy...

finally flashed Buppa a smile...

and headed off to find her classroom. Mommy and Buppa shed a few tears, but Smudge was all smiles and happy to be going to school.

At the end of the day we all gathered at the bus stop to await the student's return home.

Once again she was all smiles and bubbling with excitement.

She jumped off the bus and ran to give Amma a big hug.

then she had a little dance with Buppa...

and a twirl or two with her best friend Evan.

Everyone was rejoicing with the kids about their first day of school....everyone except JJ that is.
He was broken hearted that he couldn't get on the bus when all the kids got off of it.

Oh dear, he was not a happy camper.
It's hard to be the second kid...
Lorna - he sure was a sorry little munchkin that day. He is getting lots of extra attention from Amma and Buppa these days, but he misses his big sister.
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