Sunday, May 29, 2005

Garden Party

Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil
Reginald Heber

Can't you almost hear the laughter in this picture? I was sure I heard chuckling when I was out working in the yard today! Such hilarity was going on between the Candytuft and the Forget-me-nots it was contagious and made me smile too, so I tried to capture the joy with my camera to share with you. Hope you feel it. My garden is having a party indeed. What fun!

The infinite has written his name on the heavens in shining stars
and on earth in tender flowers.

Jean Paul Richter

Come join the party, and keep your ears open for the laughter and your eyes open for the signature in the world all around you today.


Rurality said...

You have such a pretty garden! Great pictures too.

Anonymous Poet said...

Beautiful! Like something Mary Oliver might write about.

Roo said...

Absolutely gorgeous garden...