First of all she had to help Bunny fluff his fur.
Then it was time to help Grandpa with his coiff. She took great delight in this activity.
Now on to the next task, practicing her Pat-a-cake skills. Cute, cute, cute.
Time to work on her own "Do". Give me that brush Grandma and let me do it myself.
Now that personal grooming is all taken care of, it is time to help Grandpa work on the computer.
Hmmmm, let me see, what's next?
Oh yes, learn how to feed myself so I can grow big and strong, and have lots of energy to put in another busy day tomorrow.
I loved the commentary with these photos.
Chrisb - Thanks. It is fun to post these pictures so I am glad you are enjoying them too. Like AC I print out the blogs and keep them in a binder, so I imagine that Smudge and I will enjoy looking through them endlessly when she gets a little older.
Smudge is so precious. I just can't believe how fast she's growing up. It seems like those ultrasound images we're such a short time ago.
Cathy - I can't either. Blink of an eye and Smudge is already standing up! How can this be?
It is amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? She is just as cute as cute can be.
Granny - picked up the tag, and had fun with it.
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