The rains stopped, the winds died down and the sun came out, so Thesha, Smudge and I headed out for an afternoon of window shopping. We walked the streets of this delightful small town, oohed and aahed over many things, tried on a few, bought a couple, talked to store owners, patted the resident dog, Carter, at this store and had a fun afternoon.

Quaint little towns with unique stores are so much nicer than big malls. Thesha and I often visit this area to shop because we feel like we are visiting friends not just stores. After our walk-a-bout it was time for coffee, and we had a favorite spot we headed for. Surprisingly - not Tim's!!! In this town
Grounds is the place to go. Good coffee, wonderful tea, delicious muffins, fabulous artwork, one of a kind jewellery, off the wall pottery, and amazing stained glass, all displayed beautifully. It is a wonderful combination of comfy seats, good food, great drinks, and eye candy. Smudge was quite taken with the stained glass figures looking over her shoulder in the coffee shop.

Smudge had yogurt and Puffs while Thesha and I sipped Chai Tea. Yum!

Enough of sitting in the chair like a big girl, time for a snuggle with mom.

Bright memories were made and a good time was had by all. Hope you had a bright day too.
Ooo... I think I want to wander in your small town! Looks and sounds wonderful!
That reminds me of Unionville from your description. I love quaint little places.
Heather - pillows in the guest room are fluffed - come for a visit and we will go to Grounds for some Chai Tea! Yum!
Chrisb - me too.
I'm not much of a shopper but do love poking about small towns. Never have liked the malls.
I love your photos, they have such a warm feeling and little smudge is a heart stealer.
My next visit we must go to this coffee place. It sounds really and looks really nice.
Glad you shared some pictures of your girls day!!
Love you all...
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