AC posted a very heart-warming blog this morning, with some cute pics of Smudge's first stroller outing here.
Mom and baby have had a few rough nights this week, so I have put in major rocking time and managed to work some Grandma magic on a couple of occasions. How neat! Here it is Friday and we have all survived. Yahoo. Weekend is here, so dad will be home to help for the next couple of days, and Grandpa and I will step back a bit and just be on call.

I had the privilege of accompanying mom and baby on their first outing in the car without dad this week. Mom wanted to deliver thank you gifts to the nurses at the hospital, so it was my honoured task to sit in the back seat with baby while mom drove. By the time we got baby secured in the car seat and loaded into car, she was howling big time, but cars work like magic to lull babies to sleep and after about two minutes on the road Smudge was in dreamland. I couldn't resist taking this pic of her sleeping in her car seat whilst sporting her cute little chapeau!
I think I will follow Smudge's lead right now and toddle off to dreamland too. Nite, nite. Talk to you all later.
There's just something about a car ride that will calm the most upset baby, isn't there. She looks so adorable. Thank you for sharing her.
I've watched my kid-sis getting her young'uns into car seats - it's amazing what's required now-a-days. I know it's so much safer, but of course I remember the 'ahem' good-old-days when the 7 of us piled into the old station wagon like pups in a basket.
My sis drove her babies around just to get them to sleep :0)
It's all coming back, isn't it? Young mothers are worth their weight in gold.
Desperate for a quiet baby, I learned quickly to put her in the carseat and ride!
There is nothing better than being a grandma! Love your site, thought I'd share some of mine.
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