The laundry was hung out to air, the doors thrown open, the rugs rolled up, and music was played loud and long to shoo all the dusty winter air out of the house to make room for the fresh spring breezes.
The step dancers were dressed in their finest and sparkled and shone as they stepped and twirled on the stage.
The show was supposed to end at 4pm, but the encore took us all the way to 5:45. The music kept flowing, the dancers tapped and the audience clapped. Yes, a good time was had by all.
AC has a couple of videos and more stills he will post later so be sure to check out his blog if you want to see more pics.
During the last two weeks since Smudge's arrival, a Gibran quote has floated to surface of my mind more than once.
"When either your joy or your sorrow becomes great, the world becomes small."
I have found this to ring true the past little while. Our world has shrunk down to the size of baby Smudge and our little family circle. In time it will open up again to include other things, but for now, not much else is allowed in. Isn't it amazing how such a little being that wasn't even here three weeks ago, can take up so much time energy and "space" in our lives.
It felt good to step outside that tiny circle yesterday and go to the Ceili, take a picnic supper to the park afterwards, and then of course stop in for a hug from Smudge before going home.
Today we are off to town to take the car in for repairs and then do some shopping. Yes, another step will be taken outside this small circle, but a hug for Smudge will be indulged in before the day is over. Pure joy!
Hope you find something to bring pure joy into your life today too.
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