There is still snow on the ground and ice on the river, but the air is warm enough and roads dry enough for us to be out on the bikes. Yahoo! We have managed a ride every day this week and we are loving being back out on the highways and byways. Feels great after the long icy winter.
AC took this pic of me exploring a spot near the water that might be nice for a picnic in the nicer weather. The wood pallets you see piled up to my right are a floating dock that will be put back in the water when all the ice is gone. The picnic table is all ready for us and in the heat of the summer that tree should give us a shady spot to stop and rest.
Time to go for today's ride. Talk to you later.
I have a thing for red-jacketed chicks on bikes.
Oooo I can hardly wait! It's still a little wet and sloppy around here, but the bike will be out soon!
I hope you take a picture of that exact place in the summer to see the contrast. I look forward to seeing it.
Our spring has hit its peak and is on the wane right now
Oh wow, that looks so nice, despite of the snow still being there! I can imagine you're looking forward to the 'real' Spring. No more snow, the smell of fresh cut grass, nice weather and yes, picknicks. I hope it'll be soon!
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