After a long trek across a muddy parking lot we joined a very long line to get into the restaurant and then we hummed and hawed about staying. We were all hungry, and it didn't look like we would be able to even get inside the door of the building for quite a while. Hmmm, what to do? Oh what the heck, we were making a memory, and we could go to a dull old restaurant any day of the week, so we stayed. AC has posted lots of pics on his blog here.
The pancakes were very good once we got to them,and the place was hopping with activity the whole time we stood in line so the time went quickly. Horse-drawn wagon rides into the sugar bush were coming and going, fiddlers were playing by the door to the restaurant, people stood around laughing and talking while they waited to sit down and enjoy the feast, and once we got inside the door there was another musician playing music there. So, we were treated to a party atmosphere even if we had to stand in line for 45 minutes! Yes, we made a very nice memory.
After we left the sugar bush, we visited neighbouring small towns and toured little shops in each one. We took our time driving home and stopped at artist's studios all along the route. The sun shone all day and we soaked it up in grand style. We finished off the day with dinner, and birthday cake at Butterfly's, but that's not all, there was one more big surprise waiting for me at the end of the dinner.
I am now the proud owner of the cutest little ipod! Hooray! Happy, Happy Birthday to me!
AC really enjoys his ipod and has it loaded with music, but I didn't put an ipod on my wish list until I discovered you could upload audio books onto them. How neat is that? I enjoy listening to books when my eyes are too tired to read, or I can't get to sleep and need an extended bedtime story. Our little local library here doesn't have a very large selection of audio books so I have been struggling to get the titles on tape that I want. Problem is now solved. I also have room for lots of music too, so I am one happy camper. Humming and reading, reading and humming, to my heart's content.
I hope you hear music today too and have a song in your heart wherever life takes you.
Take care.
Hi - I had heard about your breakfast party but not about the ipod.
Neat present. It's on my someday list.
Enjoy! I absolutely love mine!
It sounds like you made out like a bandit. Happy belated birthday, by the way.
I have been thinking about buying an IPod for the express purpose of loading it with audio books. For some reason I can't pull the trigger.
Around about 10 at night when I want to read something, these old eyes see double even with my reading glasses on.
Granny and Gina - I am lovin' it.
Kathy - I sometimes dance along in the grocery store too. Why not?
Lynn - Thanks for the BD greetings.
Go ahead and pull that trigger. You will be glad you did. It is so neat to be able to read a book with your eyes closed. I can't see straight to read at night either, but my mind is still racing so an audio book is just the ticket.
Very nice BDday present!
The next time we're doing any long road trips I want to get some audio books to pass the time. What a neat idea that is.
try here:
These are the "classic" (meaning royalty free) books you can download for free.
Karla - we listen to books in the car on long trips all the time. The miles zip by when you are listening to a great story.
I always have one on the go here at home too. It is amazing how many audio books you can "read" while you are doing something else.
Me - thanks for the link to free classic books. I will go check that out right now.
Oooo - I hadn't thought of the audio book option for iPods. Marcel wants one for a graduation present - I may just have to confiscate it now and then when I travel. :-)
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