Yes, tomorrow we are flying on a jet plane, but we
DO know when we will be back again. Whew! Before we go we are trying to stock up on Smudge-time because we are going to miss the wee lass when we are gone. Sigh! Babies change so much every day don't they? Butterfly promises to send us pictures everyday, so that should help - a bit! As sad as we are about leaving Smudge, we are really looking forward to seeing Lady Bug and Power Puff and exploring Beautiful BC with them. Total fun!
We went over to Butterfly's yesterday and caught her and Smudge enjoying some dance time. This song was so appropriate I just had to video a sample of it for you.
She was all smiles and chuckles when she modeled her new hat for us. What a charmer.

So, we are off for a month. Talk to you all when we get back.
Have fun, travel safe and we'll miss you.
Loved the video and John Denver singing.
Hey Momma, You sure are slimmin up FAST!!! My baby is 22 and I think I still have some of my "baby fat" left! Your little one is awful pretty and changing so much and FAST!
Southern Belle
Cuppa - Have a wonderful trip. I know you'll have a wonderful time with your Lady Bug and Power Puff and return refreshed and ready for more precious time with Smudge.
If I were standing when I watch these videos I'd be swaying just like Butterfly. These are just adorable and bring back memories of soothing a colicky baby many many years ago.
Safe and happy travels!
Nothing like a little John Denver to make one nostalgic!
Have a great trip! Wave as you fly over Winnipeg.
Enjoy the travel, Cuppa! It will be bittersweet to leave the baby, but you'll have so much to look forward to when you return :o)
Have a great trip. Think of all the wonderful time you'll spend with Bug and Puff, and maybe even collect some stories to share with us.
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