My spring decorations don't seem to be inspiring Mother Nature in her battle with that old lion today, but they are lifting my spirits nonetheless. The hyacinth fills the house with the aroma of spring, and flowers and butterflies brighten corners here and there.
I couldn't resist this little charmer when I saw her in the store the other day. Don't you just love her purse Sare? She looked so cute all decked out in her new spring duds, and I had just the right spot for her in my house, so she came home with me. When I took down my winter decorations I had a bare spot where Benmar's gift had stood all winter and this little gal fills that space perfectly now.
Let the lion roar outside, I have spring bursting out all over here inside, and that is a good thing.
aww, how adorable.
come onnnnnn spring!
Ah Spring! bring on the green! ;)
More awwwwws :0) She is so sweet. Does she have a name? Given the wintry set-back - how about 'Hope' ? :0D
My dear son in Boston heard the roaring too. But this lion is old and tired and daffodils will bloom in his tracks.
Your new blog look is wonderful! Thing sprink (yes, that's thing sprink, not a typo) my dad always says, and I think you've captured that.
I love your new look, too! And, I'm inspired by your determination to keep it floral and light inside. Boo on those lions...SCAT!
Marmalade - nice to hear from you. Hope this last push at school is going ok and you aren't too stressed out.
This little bunny fills the space left by the reindeer. Isn't she cute?
Kathy - We can't see any green around here today, but I second your motion - bring it on!!!
Cathy - Hope sounds good to me, so Hope she is.
Laurie - I really like this blog template too. AC surprised me with it last year and I was happy to see it return this year. It does have that "Thing Sprink" about it doesn't it?
Mary - glad you like the new look, me too! AC had fun making these templates last year and I look forward to new ones going up each season. This is my favorite one.
The wind is howling today and snow, old and new, is blowing around outside, but as Cathy said, the furry guy is old and tired and we should be able to shoo him out of here for good in a few days. Bring on the daffodils!
I haven't put out any Easter Decor yet except for the wee cherished teddie with her rabbit outfit and my little people at the tomb and holding the cross.
You and I seem to share a love of the stuffies, bears, rabbits whatever. Thanks for the heads up on Laurie's blog.
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