Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I awoke early this morning and rolled out of the warm bed into the cold dull room. Brrr! I gabbed my housecoat and padded over to the window to see what was going on outside. Oh, I was overjoyed to see snow falling thick and steady. Yahoo! fresh snow to dress the trees, decorate the fields and give us a thick, soft carpet along the trails. Fresh snow makes for a quiet, almost magical walk in the woods, and I love it. The fluffy snow muffles every footstep and adds so much beauty and atmosphere to the paths. I could hardly wait to get out there.

I went from that window to another one to check out the feeding tree. It was coated in snow, and I could see squirrels digging around at the base of the tree looking for a stray piece of popcorn or peanut left behind by the Blue Jays. The Chickadees were busy flying back and forth from that tree to the apple tree behind it, checking to see if they could find a scrap of peanut butter hiding in a nook or corner. I would have to go out and tend to the birds early today because of the storm, but first it was
time to tend to me and make my own breakfast and get that first cup of coffee dripping into the pot and then dripping into me!! Mmmm, that first cup is always sooooo good.

I love the windows in this old farmhouse, and I pay a visit to each one of them first thing in the morning to check out the views. They are all different, and I enjoy each one thoroughly. Back in the city I look out at concrete roads and other houses; here, I see nothing by trees and fields and sky, no matter what window I look through. What a treat.

Some of these old windows have lost their seal, so on cold mornings Jack Frost comes and decorates the glass for me. I am treated to intricate frost-painted frames through which to view the world, and they are absolutely amazing. I stand in awe of the detail and beauty of these pieces of art. How does Jack do that?

It is now afternoon, and I am sitting enjoying my after lunch cup of tea while I relax and look back on the day. It hasn’t stopped snowing all day, so every tree is wearing a designer gown, and the fields are snuggled down under a thick new blanket which is getting thicker every minute. We enjoyed a quiet walk on that blanket this morning and then went along Riverside Ramble Trail to admire all the designer gowns displayed there.

Right now, the snowflakes are huge and fluffy and give the world around the house that snow globe feel. I can hardly take my eyes off the window in front of me long enough to write. It is so pretty.

The farmhouse and the world outside seem to be full of peace and quiet, all awash in the beauty of silence and solitude. I think I will put the laptop away and just sit quietly for a while and let the beauty of the day soak into my soul.

More important than the length of life, is how we spend each day. Maria A Furtado.

I hope you can find a peaceful spot in your busy day to spend some time in quiet reflection. Stretch out in the moment and let the beauty of silence soak into you soul.

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