Thursday, July 14, 2005

Time for a shower

I was over visiting Katt at Bamboo Shade the other day, and found this quote that reached out and grabbed me.

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life".
~Pable Picasso

I am feeling rather dusty and dry in spirit from all the packing I have been doing in this hot humid weather and I long to pick up a paint brush and take a nice long shower. I packed my paints away yesterday and dreamed of opening them up in my new house. What fun it will be to start a new project once I get there. Oh I can almost feel that cool water washing over my spirit already. Just thinking about painting again makes me feel better.

In the meantime a sponge bath of music will have to do. Turn up the volume and splash, splash, splash!


Heather Plett said...

Great quote! Sometimes life gets so busy we forget to inject it with art, but we're the worse for it.

Anvilcloud said...

Pick up a paintbrush and have a shower? Pretty funny, old girl.