Sunday, April 03, 2005

Lion still on the prowl…

We were out on our bikes on Friday and had a nice ride even if it was a bit cool and a tad windier than we expected.

Yesterday we went to the big city to meet a friend for lunch and then visit another friend for the afternoon. This excursion involved a five hour round trip so we set off early in the morning and planned to be away for the whole day. When we left early in the morning it was pouring rain, but by the time we got to the restaurant we were faced with gale force winds (55 – 60 kph) and snow!!! Yes snow! How cruel on April 2nd.

We spent a couple of hours visiting at the restaurant and then continued on our way to see our other friend for the rest of the afternoon. The rain/snow had stopped at this point, but the winds were fierce. The lion was swatting his paw furiously at my hairdo again and the lamb was in hiding.

As we drove along we notice the fields covered in snow and marvelled at the havoc the lion had caused on this spring day. Little did we know that the worst was yet to come!

We enjoyed a nice visit with our friend for the afternoon and then set off around suppertime for the 2 1/2 hour drive home. What an adventure that was. The lion had done nothing but build up strength all day and was really throwing a temper tantrum by that time. The winds were blowing across the highway at what seemed like hurricane force and the snow came at us thick and blinding. Our little CRV was rocked back and forth and it was a struggle to keep it on the straight and narrow, when we could see the straight and narrow that is. It was awful! The temperature was hovering around freezing, so we didn’t know if we would hit black ice or not, so even though we had traction at his minute we didn’t know if we would have for the next!!! What a ride! We could hardly believe that just the day before we had been out on our bikes enjoying a nice spring jaunt.

When we were about ten minutes from home the snow eased up, the road dried up and we could see some clearing in the sky ahead, but the wind continued to rant and rave and do its best to throw us into the ditch.

Exhausted and hungry, we pulled into town around 7pm and went straight to a restaurant for dinner. We fought with the wind as we walked across the parking lot and soon were seated at a table in the cozy eatery. We sat down and stared at each other in quiet, wild-eyed wonder for a few minutes. Were we really here safe and sound? Was the trip really behind us? Was this really April 2nd? Oh I was so glad to be off that highway and only 5 minutes from home.

The dinner tasted absolutely wonderful but I think it was because it was mixed with the rich flavourful feelings of relief and gratitude that we had made it home safely. Positively delicious it was!

Yes, the lion was on the prowl yesterday, and by the sounds of it, still is today too. We don’t have any snow or rain falling, but, 60 kph roaring winds will keep us off the bikes and highway today and safely tucked in here at home.

Whether the lion or the lamb is visiting your area of the country today, I hope your life is enriched with the flavour of gratitude and you have a delicious day.


Lynn said...

Tame that lion, but enjoy no matter what.

karla said...

And then there was yesterday! Monday was an absolutely gorgeous day. I had to go into Toronto for some appointments, and I had a lovely time walking in the sunshine. It was so nice to take of my jacket and feel the sun beating down on my face. I even packed myself a lunch and ate outside.

A very different story than the weekend. Saturday morning my husband had to pick up his bicycle at Canadian Tire and braved riding it home in weather like you have described. The poor man was soaked AND frozen to the bone. I think he laid in bed curled up in a blanket for an hour trying to warm up!