It was Daddy's birthday this past weekend and we celebrated in grand and glorious style. I think this was the third lighting of the candles and singing of Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu! Smudge and Jboy love this part of the celebrations...

...almost as much as opening the gifts and playing with the wrapping paper.

Daddy was quite pleased with the gift he got from the A-Team. Those gals are very creative.

After cake and presents it was time for snuggles and pictures.

What priceless treasures these little munchkins are...

...even if they won't pose for a picture for longer than two seconds!
Quick Amma snap that picture so we can go outside and play. 
And that's just what they did. Time to play with Daddy in the backyard.

That's the best present of all.
Happy Birthday to your SIL. I love how smudge is orchestrating the song, they are so cute. Your lawns are much greener than ours.....Hugs
Happy Birthday Eric!! And, GREAT pictures! :)
Bernie - Yes, Smudge is very good at giving directions!
We had a lot of rain last week, so our brown, burnt lawns are looking green again.
Sare - I'll pass the wishes along. We sure have fun with those two little munchkins adding life to every party.
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