Jboy tromped around the house like old "peg-leg the pirate" and after all that activity was glad to shed the boot and take a nap.

While brother was napping, Smudge went out to help Buppa weed the lawn.

It was hard work digging out all those dandelions and thistles.

Our neighbour Pamela saw Smudge out working in the garden and wondered if she would like to help her gather some lilacs for a bouquet. Smudge went with her willingly...

and brought a nice bouquet of lilacs home for Amma.
Oh I love lilacs and the kids are really cute....:-) Hugs
would you look at that curly mop on J boy! What a cutie... reminds me of Ben's hair a little!
Jinu is still a baldy :)
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