With hats firmly in place, and cameras in hand, we got boldly out of the car at look-out number three.

What a view. The best one yet, and it seemed to be free of caterpillars. Wrong!

What a beautiful country we live in.

There was a path leading down into the treed area, but I thought the caterpillars might be raining freely down there, so I only went down a little way...

to get a few more pictures from that angle.

AC stayed up top

while I took this picture at the bottom of the stairs.

As nice as the weather was and as beautiful as the surroundings were, I was getting creeped out with the furry critters so we set off for Wakefield. The drive was beautiful, relaxing and caterpillar free. Or so I thought. When we arrived back home I walked past the mirror at the front door and noticed a caterpillar on my back.

How in the world did it get there? I had a hat on and was wearing a light jacket while we were eating lunch.
Then while we waited in line for the ferry at the end of the day, I took my jacket off and stepped out of the car to eat an apple.

We boarded the ferry to take us across the river back into Ontario then drove for another hour before arriving at our front door.

The caterpillar was still on my back, and it was alive. Yuck, yuck, yuck and double yuck.
These are beautiful photos and yes cuppa I agree, we live in the most beautiful country in the world.
........:-) Hugs
Bernie - Yes we do, and there is so much more of it to explore. Onward and forward we go.
Alive is less Yuk than squashed dead would have been! LOL :)
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