Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Picnic

Geese in Spring

It is the first day of spring, and we celebrated by taking a picnic lunch to the park. And a lovely picnic lunch it was too. The temps are still below freezing, and there is plenty of snow on the ground, but the sunshine made the car toasty and warm so we were very comfy while we munched our lunch, and watched ducks, geese and even one swan playing in the water.

I hope you find a comfy spot to soak up some early spring sunshine today, and it warms your heart and soul. It is so good for what ails you.


methatiam said...

Oh, WOW! I wish I was there!

Mary said...

Cuppa, your posts are so cheery. We enjoyed a balmy day although a little humid. It was great. You seem to know how to make the best of everything!

dmmgmfm said...

It sounds like a lovely time!

Cathy said...

Mary said it, Cuppa - you are so cheery - just like the sweet Robins that are returning to our neighborhood. "Cheer-up! Cheer-up!"

I'm so glad you're out and enjoying the Sun - the promise.

Love Bears All Things said...

J and I are going to the Botanical Garden to picnic tomorrow