Don't you just love it? The teapot pouring a fresh hot cuppa topped a delicious four layer cake loaded with maple cream icing between each layer. It was sooooo good.
Butterfly wins the prize for finding the prettiest and most delicious birthday cake for me this year.
I am on the fly today so don't have time to write much, but I just had to show you this fabulous cake.
Talk to you later.
What a fabulous cake! Sounds absolutely yummy too. Bet your stomach did backflips!
What a week you had. 1 million gold stars to a very thoughtful husband, Wow! And you are the best person I know to savour an experience like this to the max. So enjoy for lots of days to come....though I'm sure lots more surprises are in store, cause besides being thoughtful that guy of yours is also delightfully creative and mischivious.
Here's a hug from me to you, TM
Wow! What an amazing cake! Between your daughters and husband, you are indeed surrounded by a lot of love. Lucky you!
Great cake. I do well do get the right number of candles on.
Although between you and me, we'd probably have quite a bonfire going.
Anon - Yep, mouth and stomach did triple flips over this cake. Thanks for the BD hug.
Heather - Lucky indeed.
Granny - yes,we could start a three alarm fire couldn't we?
Did you notice that Butterfly was very kind and didn't put a single candle on this cake? She said she didn't want to spoil the design with a kazillion candles! She put a single candle on a cupcake and carried it into the room while HB was sung enthusiastically. I do love that girl.
So, do we all get a piece, or are you just teasing us with that very tasty picture? I hope you brought enough for the whole class!
Happy Birthday!
Me- I tried to save you a piece, but...lost the battle.
I think Butterfly may have missed her callling! That is just beautiful. Are the bodies of the cups made out of pieces of cake also?
Ab fab, Cuppa! That's one delicious looking Cuppacake!
Gina - yes, the teacup and teapot were made out of cake, iced and then glued on top of the cake with more icing. The spout and handels on the teapot were pure icing sugar, but the body was cake. The teacup had tiny icing sugar lily of the valley flowers decorating it. It was a real work of art and each piece was delicious.
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