Saturday, February 12, 2005

Saturday Sunshine

Sunshine streaming in the bedroom window woke me up bright and early this morning, but I was reluctant to get out of the warm bed and brave the cold room. I rolled over, pulled the comforter up under my chin and burrowed deeper into the bed to enjoy a few more minutes in the snug cocoon of covers. Ahhh, Saturday morning comfort, nothing quite like it. I love a lazy winter Saturday morning when nothing important is on the calendar and I can set my own agenda for the day. Pure luxury indeed.

I lay in my cozy bed and let my mind wander along this path and that and wondered what I would do today. Go for a walk in the park, pay a visit to the library, return a shirt to the store? Odds and ends like that could be done, but nothing had to be done. Oh joy, I could take the day in any direction I wanted to. The blog I wrote yesterday was still fresh in my mind and I realised that there was more of the story to tell, so I started to gather thoughts and put them in order for another blog. (Stay tuned for Fire - Part II) I soon needed to get up and get a pencil and paper, so I threw back the covers and got up to face the day. Pencil first, and then coffee!

I am now working on my second cup of coffee and am all settled in my comfy writing nook in my studio. AC is in the den happily working on some HTML lessons, so we will work away at our computers for the rest of the morning and then meet in the kitchen for lunch. I think a walk along the water and a visit to the library is on for this afternoon. Yes, a luxurious Saturday for sure.

…Well, it is now 8pm, and I am just now getting back to finish the post I started this morning. Some days the best laid plans just have to take a back seat to the sunshine.

I spent the morning writing, but didn’t get my story ready to post, then stopped for lunch and didn’t get back to the laptop again all day. We had a fun afternoon though – even got out for a ride on our bikes. Yahoo! We stayed on the dry roads in the neighbourhood and only went about 4k’s but it was fun. It was so nice to get out on the bikes again.

We went for a walk in the park too, and there was a major drama going on at the waterfront. Fire trucks and rescue squads were parked on the beach, and firemen were suiting up to go out on the ice flows to rescue two young fellows way out on the lake. We stopped to watch.

As it turned out, the young kids were not in trouble and had no idea that a rescue mission was being set up on shore for them. They were sauntering along on the ice when they noticed the firemen walking towards them with all sorts of ropes and equipment to haul them out of the icy water if need be. Crazy kids. The ice is all melting and breaking up and they could have easily been stranded out there, but they were oblivious to the dangers of the shifting ice and were just walking further and further out.

When we left the scene, the firemen had the kids back on shore and were giving them a good talking to. Sure hope they don’t do that again. I wonder if their parents will be sent a bill for the rescue. Does the fire department do that? I know you get billed for an ambulance ride. What about an emergency rescue from an ice flow? Hmmm? I wonder.

It amazes me that people aren't more careful when the ice starts to melt at this time of year. We went to the Bay a couple of days ago and the ice is breaking up in there too, but people still have ice fishing huts out on the water and snowmobiles parked beside them. Sheesh, I wouldn't set foot out on the melting ice these days, let alone drive a snowmobile out on it.

Well, it is getting late, and I am starting to ramble, so I will end this post here. I hope you had a wonderful day too and got to soak up some of the scant February sunshine.

Stay away from thin ice and be safe.

Talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Iona said...

It's funny how you and AC sometimes seem the same as Hubby and I; being in seperate rooms, both doing computer-stuff. Hubby always sits in his room behind his computer. I sit on the comfy couch in the livingroom with my laptop on my lap. Sometimes we talk..

Is the ice melting already? It's hardly even mid February! I know in Finland the ice doesn't melt until April, and of course there's no ice or snow here in Holland...
Howcome in Canada it's melting already? What kind of monthly temperature averages do you have in your part of Canada? Is your winter only from December to February then?