Seeing as Smudge wants to help me all the time at the kitchen counter, I asked Daddy to repair a step-stool for her to use when she needs a step up . Here she is trying it out when it was time to fix breakfast, but look who else wants in on the action.

We had a group hug once Jboy was on the top step, but...

I made sure to lay the stool on its side once we were done at the counter so he couldn't climb back up there by himself. He studied the stool from all angles...

pushed it around the floor...

and soon discovered another use for it.

I am not sure if it is a boat, a car or a spaceship at this point, whatever it is, is fine with me, as long as it isn't a step-stool!
Looking back at what Chris was like at that age, I'd say it's a tractor
Lorna - I think you've got it!
What a busy little guy.....grandma must love nap times.....:-) Hugs
Bernie - yes, they help me get through the day.
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