What a quiet but wonderful BD I enjoyed this year. The day started with the most wonderful gift of unexpected free time dropped into my lap just after the alarm went off. I rolled over and hit the snooze button for seven more minutes of slumber before placing my feet on the cold floor to race headlong into the rest of the day. I could feel AC stirring beside me and he gave me a hug and wished me a HB. Then he told me that Thesha was taking the day off, and therefore so was I! Yahoo!
I had the whole day stretching out before me to do with what I liked. I luxuriated in bed while AC got up and went to Tim's for coffee and breakfast sandwiches and brought them back home to me. How decadent is that? I puttered the morning away doing whatever my little ol' heart desired and then we went out for the afternoon. It was too cold and windy to do anything outdoors, so we headed into the big city for lunch and a visit to a couple of favorite stores - Chapters being one of them. I picked up a copy of
Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser and once we got back home I spent the rest of the afternoon reading and sipping tea. What a treat.
Come supper time we headed out the door to the kid's place for a BD dinner. Jboy wasn't sure what was going on...

but Smudge was ready to party!

After dinner tbe girls Skyped in from Vancouver so we all gathered round the computer to visit with them. Puff was away working but she phoned while we were on Skype and shared HB wishes across the miles.

Smudge was more than ready to get these candles on the cake and start singing.

but had to wait a few more minutes while we chatted with the girls in Vancouver. She spent the time practising her deep breathing exercises to get ready for the big event.

Finally the candles were lit and Happy BD was sung.

We re-lit the candles a number of times so she could put her candle-blowing-out skills to good use and then we cut into the cake.

MMMMMM delicious!

More BD fun pics tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Sounds like a wonderful day, so happy you got to enjoy it with those you love.......:-) Hugs
Um - you were, of course, 36?! LOL! Many (late) happy returns
Bernie - We did.
Jinksy - Of course! Thanks for the happy returns.
I also noted the 36 statement. Chapters is a nice way to spend a birthday, and even better if you get to buy something. sometimes I go to Chapters and just sit on the stairs near the Mystery section getting a head start on something I'm going to buy later.
Happy belated.
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