Now that we are babysitting every day we don't have the energy or time to have Smudge here for a lot of sleepovers these days, but they are still special to us and her, so we try our best to plan a few. She is really getting to be more fun than work to have over, so we planned one for this weekend.
First thing in the morning she likes to snuggle down under a blanket and enjoy a bottle of milk. Here she is watching the Carousel while having her morning fix.

Buppa got his cup of coffee and it was time for him and Smudge to watch some video's on his computer. She loves to watch old videos of herself.

She enjoys getting into the toy box too. This old Tupperware ball is almost 40 years old but is still a favorite toy for any and all kids that drop by for a visit.
Everthing old is new again.
I wonder if Tupperware is still making these toys. This was a great one I must say.
I remember buying one of those for Phoebe, who is now 13; haven't seen one for a while though.
I remember that tupper ware toy with all the different shapes, they sure made toys that could last and survive the throws of small children.....:-) Hugs
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