Daddy was under the weather this week so we had Smudge here for four sleepovers in a row! Puff, pant, gasp, run! I must admit that I am a tad tired from keeping a constant watch on the wee one, even if she was a joy to have around. She is VERY busy and VERY fast. She moves from one thing to another without blinking an eye and it takes me two or three blinks before I can catch up to her. Puff, pant, gasp, run even faster!!!
It didn't take her long to find my new bodhran, so I dug up the old one for her to play with. She loved it and kept a pretty good beat with it too. She used it for many other things though - a race course for the coach from the castle, a seat, a stepping stool, a table, and a hat!

After she got tired of the drum, we headed outside and she helped Buppa with the gardening.

Cute little Petunia isn't she?

She made new friends with the children next door and had a grand time playing ball with them.

Sophie the cat came around to say hello while we were outside, so Smudge had to stop and greet her,

Then it was time to say hello to Morgan, the dog who lives across the street.

Yes, it was a busy day, but a fun one. I have to go take a nap now!
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