When the sun is shining Smudge is outside, ready to face the world with enthusiasm. Looking ever so cute too.

One of her favorite things is the slide in Evan's back yard.

After climbing up and down the stairs on the slide a kazillion times, it is time for a nap on the trampoline. Notice how Smudge has her own unique way of doing things.

Now they are all rested, Smudge and Evan head for the Playdough corner.

Another cooler day on her own deck Smudge soaks up the sunshine and enjoys letting the wind give her a new hairdo.

She loves playing in her doll house, but even more than that, she likes to move things from one place to another, and then back to the original spot again. She picks up chairs, tables, blocks, and whatever else she can get her hands on, and carries them back and forth. If you are on on the deck with her, she ta-ta's them to you, and so the game goes on over and over and over again.

Here you see AC trying to read a book while keeping Smudge company on the deck. She has just given him a table, and it would no do to put the table beside him on the deck, he had to hold it. So hold it he did, and she went off to find something else to bring to him.

My goodness, she does make us smile.
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