I had a great BD yesterday. It was full of sunshine and all the colours of the rainbow. What a perfect cake to reflect the beauty of the day.

I started the day with a nice sleep in, and when I finally did roll out of bed I found a gift and card was awaiting me beside the bed. What a nice way to start the day. Coffee was made and I toddled back up to my computer nook to check mail, read a few blogs and take a peek at FB. While I sat there enjoying my morning coffee AC brought another gift in to me - a new Mary Oliver poetry book. Oh joy, the rest of the morning was spent curled up with it.
Then it was off to the park for a picnic lunch and maybe a bike ride after lunch.

The sun was shining, but the bitter north wind made it a little too cold for a bike ride, so we settled for a walk along the water instead of a bike ride. Soon though, soon!

Not a speck of green at the park yet, but buds are on the trees and are about ready to burst open.

After our nice afternoon at the park it was time to head over to the kids place for a BD dinner. My food was served on the special BD plate. Festive huh?

After dinner we all gathered around the computer to Skype with Althegal out in Vancouver. Yes I got a camera for my laptop so I can now Skype with family in Toronto, Korea and Vancouver. How neat to be able to see Althegal, talk to her and make her part of the BD party too. Too bad Puff was at school. Hope I get to talk to her later today.

Cake and ice cream followed our Skype session and then it was time to open presents. Smudge helped me open every one but she was more interested in the tissue paper than posing for a picture with Grandma!

CB didn't mind a BD snuggle with Grandma though. Mmmmm, how nice that was.

After dinner we set off for home and I ended the day with some more MO poetry. Yes, it was a great day.
Love that birthday plate, and the rainbow cake! Very festive. So glad you had a good BD.
That looks like a perfect birthday, glad to see you had so much fun.
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