Monday, December 04, 2006


Don't know if you have seen Molly over on Maya's Granny's blog, but it is a perfect picture of how I am feeling these days. Yep, my hectic schedule is making it hard to keep my balance and stay on my feet at times. I am happy to report that I am still upright, but my writing has taken a nosedive. Sigh! There are just not enough hours in the day or energy in the tank to get everything done.

We have had days and days of rain, then an ice storm but today we are being treated to sunshine and I am rejoicing. Housework is just about done, last load of laundry is in the dryer, and as soon as we have lunch we will head out for a walk. Oh joy! I could stay home and write, but the sunshine is calling my name and I must answer. I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that I am still alive and sort of on my feet.

Must run now, but will talk to you again soon.


methatiam said...

Sounds quite nice, actually.

Enjoy the cold for those of us who have none ;0)!

Cathy said...

I for one give you a huge pass on not posting during these days that are so filled with busy planning, obligations and the occasional time-out for a breather.

It's so very nice of you to drop in over at my place to leave kind remarks. I've had a little too much time on my hands - and posting is an enjoyable way of looking at the mystery and beauty and recording a bit thereof.

Cuppa said...

Cathy - stopping by your "place" is refreshing. Your pictures are beautiful and your words uplifting.